

Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.

~Howard Thurman

I practiced sitting this morning. With change a foot, I'm doing my best to stay present and not give in to anxiety...and worry about the things I cannot control. Somehow though, the way things have come together feels good...they feel right. It's interesting how that comes about when choosing to surrender to what is...ha...but it hasn't been the easiest process, and I'm still steadily learning what it means.

It's been in the times of challenge where I've come to realize the depth and scope of how important my daily practice has become to keep me grounded and in tune with what is important. Often, I feel over come with gratitude. Not only have I become physically stronger, but alas, maybe just maybe my spirit has strengthened too...

I love the above quote. Moving forward this is a question I will continue to ask myself. What makes me come Alive? Its an important thing to ask. Hopefully if I choose this route, all will be revealed to me in due time...

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